sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

Zipit: Forest Adventures

Good afternoon to everybody!

Today has been a great day. As every Saturday, we have gone to Mass at 10am, and after praying for all of our families, we have gone to the forest. And the question is: why to the forest? Because there are circuits on the trees connected with iron ropes.

Zipit is a place where with only a harness you are able to climb walls, jump out in zip lines, jump platforms, overcome obstacles, stay on a rope bridge between different trees, and other different activities but all of them on high.

For most of the boys this activity has been the best activity done in Ireland (as all the others that they had done) because they have felt adrenalin and security. Although some of them were afraid about vertigo, they have been able to sort this problem and do the activity as normal.

We have been there for four hours, so they have done lots of circuits. Not the difficult one because it is only permitted for boys above 15 years. 

It has been really awesome and amazing. Next you have photos. See you soon!

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