As today was the celebration of the Body and Blood of Jesuschrist - the Corpus Christi - there was a procession at the church we go to every Saturday, Our Lady Queen of Peace. The priests asked me if some of the boys could be servants at the procession, so I asked the families. Since many families had already plans for Sunday, it was a bit difficult to gather a small group, but 4 families offered themselves and finally I went with Lucas, Pablo, Hugo and Pepe.
The boys did really a great job! The procession lasted for 2 hours and they did their tasks perfectly. Pepe and Hugo were dressed as servants with red and white (symbolising the Body and Blood of Christ) and carried the censers (=incensarios) and Lucas and Pablo, on their Viaró uniforms, carried the incense.

The day was beautiful - sunny, without a single cloud - and the procession took place without problems or incidents. We even saw people showing respect and adoration from their front doors. 

After the procession, the priests were very thankful and I gave them a little prize for their effort...
I took them to McDonalds!
Tomorrow we are going to start our 8th week here in Ireland, only 3 left!
See you soon!